The Endlessness of Tiger and the White House Party Crashers

Tiger Woods and his Stream of Dancing Hos.

Tiger Woods and his Stream of Dancing Ho's.

You know exactly what I am about to talk about: the endless coverage of the White House Party Crashers and Tiger Woods and His Stream of Dancing Ho’s. Unfortunately, these stories are not going anywhere for the next foreseeable future. Yikes, what’s Babba Wawwa (Barbara Walters) to do? Do you think she could quickly grab Tiger Woods or the tragically-desperate-for-fame couple Tareq and Michaele Salahi as her last two entries for 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009? She needs ratings!!! All I know is that The Insider spent a full half-hour on Tiger‘s penis. Eeny meeny miney mo, catch a Tiger bye his…well…surely not his toe. The whole half hour was about who he schtupped, when, where, what they wore, which ho hired which mouthpiece to garner the most publicity for diddling with Tiger’s diddle?!? It just will go on and on. And somehow, I can’t help feeling sorry for him because people are glad that this man, who is at the top of the heap, is about to be dragged down to Earth along with the rest of us cheaters, I mean humans. That’s what we do best here in The Good Old U.S.A. We build ‘em up and then we love to tear them down. Kind of like what the House Democrats are doing to Barack Obama. Give him a chance? Hello no. It’s chipping time. Chipping away at the house of cards they all built not a year ago.

Wanda Sykes said it best. "They should have neveer let her in because of her resemblance to Ann Coulter." Here Michaele is wearing a Saree but is surely not sorry for her actions...yet.

Wanda Sykes said it best. "They should have never let her in because of her resemblance to Ann Coulter." Here Michaele is wearing a Saree but is surely not sorry for her actions...yet.

And don’t even get me started on those wanna-be Real Housewives of Washington DC. If I were Bravo-TV, I would stay clear of those two. Sure ratings, ratings, ratings. Do I think they need to go to jail? Probably not. But do they need to dragged through the court system and lose ever dime they have including their house? Yes. No, I am not cruel. But it is high time that we stop gifting those who are so desperate-for-attention, with more attention. Yoo hoo. Ridiculous. It is high time for the media to set the example: It is not acceptable to live by your own desperate-for-attention rules complete with publicist. And (B) Having a publicist does not justify your shenanigans.

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