More Bla Bla on "stomach ache"
There are two dreadful days of the year. No, not April 15, that one I can stomach. These are the bitter pills of days. One of them is that first day back to work (or school, which caused the problem in the first place) after the long, joyous summer. I did a piece The End of Summer Stomach Ache earlier this year. It is clear as a bell why they call it Labor Day because it’s as painful as being in labor. The other horrendous day is the first day back to work after the Christmas holidays having overdosed on… Read More »
End-of-Summer Stomach Ache
Has your end-of-summer stomach ache started yet? Surely, you know that feeling. It started when we were kids, that huge knot in your tummy that makes you double over in physical and mental pain. The first time you experienced it was the night before starting school after a joyous, carefree summer. It hurt so bad, you pleaded with your mother to not go to school the next day. It never worked. That end-of-summer stomach ache hits like a ton of bricks, no matter how old we get. There is an I Mean..What?!? Remedy. It’s called Laughter WHILE Shopping. But you… Read More »

Belabor Day
No one really celebrates Labor Day. Sure, we take off that Monday, but since Labor Day represents the end of summer and the return to school, who is celebrating? Mourning is more like it. Since kindergarten, the “End of Summer Stomach Ache” began on the Sunday afternoon before Labor Day. Though I am generations away from school age, this year I am sick to my stomach a few hours earlier than usual. Between the economic news and the political climate, I am nauseous from what I see and hear. According to Wikipedia: Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894,… Read More »
Back-To-School Blues
I don’t know about you…but last night at about 9:00PM I got such a stomach ache. I wondered if it was something I ate at the Labor Day Barbecue. Nah…those queens buy the best and freshest food. Having eaten clean healthy food all weekend otherwise, it didn’t then take long to realize that I was sufferiing from my age old back-to-school stomach ache. That illness that would creep up the night before school started after the long, hot, fun summer. Well, time heals all wounds except the back-to-school stomach ache. With Fashion Week looming and several projects in the hopper,… Read More »
Ugh…The Summer Is Over And Now…
A few weeks ago I did a piece on the “End-of-Summer Stomach Ache” and now…sadly…summer is really over. Today’s headlines in Women’s Wear Daily speak to the stomach ache designers are feeling while they approach the worst economic market since the Great Depression. How is that for an Imodium Moment? While reading through the article, something stuck in my craw that I wanted to talk about. In addition to the many elements that made our economy crumble, I firmly believe that the fashion designers who made those Target, K-Mart and other down-market deals, did not do themselves or their peers… Read More »

On the heels of New York Fashion Week and that Saint Laurent Palladium Fashion/Music Fest Thing, get ready for the Demi-Annual Fountain Avenue Fashion Week.… Read More »

Days of Kim’s Lives…Kim Says Kris Humphries Is What, Miss Thing?
As the continuing saga of Kris & Kim continues to veer off the course of respectability, the dishy new headline is, Kim Claims That Kris Is Gay in Star magazine, that bastion of truth. The name for this episode is As The Stomach Turns, Episode 4, Say What, Miss Thing?… Read More »