Madonna And Her Material Girl, Lola

Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets...

Lola Ciccone has hit her own zeitgeist. She now has a clothing line, a blog, and is a self-proclaimed style maven. The question is: Will Lola revamp the Material Girl look that her Momma made famous umpteen millions years ago? Is that look relevant now? Hey, I thoroughly support and admire anyone who wants to take the world, head on. When I was Lola’s age, all I could think about was smoking pot and laying in the middle of my school football field, watching the stars come out at night, amazed. And I thought that was being major productive. Well, I had finished my homework.

So, what do you think about Look #1? Is this model a bit long in the tooth for it?

What surprised me about Lola’s blog post was just how Perez Hilton she seems in her musings with the “4 realzzz” and “HOLLAs”, ‘n’ stuff. Her intro, “Helluuur thurrrr, I’m Lola and this is my first blog entry so it’s kind of like ummmm….” just does not sound like the girl that Madonna had so carefully kept away from television and schooled at Lycee Francais De NY. Not that I expect her to sound like Miss Snooty Britches, because with Madonna as your guide, that would not work. Again, I wish her nothing but the best and know that with a mom as driven as Madonna, she kind of has no choice but to do whatever Momma wants. Unless, of course, Lola is living up to her namesake song, “Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets”, in which case, Madonna is the willing participant, and had made a deal with the devil Macy’s, against her better judgment.

Surely this dress will be cute on a tween. Should they not have featured it on one?

Two seasons ago, a client of mine featured this exact headband accessory and was laughed out of the marketplace. Timing is everything, I guess.

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5 responses to “Madonna And Her Material Girl, Lola”

  1. Minnina says:

    After watching the video with Madonna talking about the line and seeing different pieces of it, there just doesn't seem to be anything new or different. These kinds of pieces have been on the market for several years. Doesn't seem "fashion forward" to me.

  2. Tina says:

    I think the girl has a lot of personal style. I like the way she puts together her (mothers?) pieces.

    But personal style does not translate to a 'clothing line' – Lohan/Ungaro fiasco is a good example.

    She looks cute in those clothes. The models look tragic.

  3. sandra says:

    i think lola will be a great deisigner,

  4. Gene Stepney says:

    Well, I imagine that clears up a few issues for me. How about everyone else?

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