Posts Tagged «Perez Hilton»
And So Is Michael Lohan
While we are on the subject of angry jerks, why not give a little shout out to Michael Lohan, father of Lindsay, who at the end of the day, doesn’t stand a chance to get off without jail time, since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. However her sentencing goes down, I really feel for Lindsay Lohan. I have worked with her and think she is really great. But with a father like Michael, who needs enemies. He should also get his stupd ass on a plan to either Haiti or Japan and make himself useful. He could… Read More »

Sears? Really?
httpv:// Somebody please hold me up, I am dizzy from having just watched the Sears promotional video on fall footwear trend news. Sears and trend in the same sentence is a stretch. And this is proof of the downside to online video content that is contributing to the bastardization of fashion. There I was, innocently perusing Perez Hilton, he who has sold out to anyone that will pay him a dime, and lo and behold, was the commercial for Sears, staring Elle magazine stylist Francesca Mills. Here’s another downside to online original video content, literally everyone and their cousin thinks… Read More »
Lola Ciccone has hit her own zeitgeist. She now has a clothing line, a blog, and is a self-proclaimed style maven. The question is: Will Lola revamp the Material Girl look that her Momma made famous umpteen millions years ago? Is that look relevant now? Hey, I thoroughly support and admire anyone who wants to take the world, head on. When I was Lola’s age, all I could think about was smoking pot and laying in the middle of my school football field, watching the stars come out at night, amazed. And I thought that was being major productive. Well,… Read More »
Perez Hilton was busy hawking his one-man, boy band, Travis Garland on American Idol and the end result was…yikes. Perez Hilton had the balls to compare this My Space novice to, “Justin Timberlake…only better.” The performance was sad. Sadder than punch actually. The dancers were fotz…and that girl titillating Travis was so stagey lame that I can not believe that no one stopped that routine before it was too late…as in making it to air. Give me a friggen break Marlene. Stop telling us how horrine Lindsay Lohan is and relax. Speaking of stagey lame, Justin Bieber came out to… Read More »
Perusing the images from the recent The 12th Annual Young Hollywood Awards felt more like an episode of The I MEAN…WHAT?!? Nobody News. There was a time when Britney, Lindsay, and Paris made their way down the red carpet, cementing Young Hollywood as the new media focus. They were the new Naomi, Linda and Christie. Now those chicks are onto other things…what…I am not sure…but who or what was at this event in their stead was sad and not hot…and in some cases…not young. Seems like this Young Hollywood thing is over. Let’s start with Brittny Gastineau. First of all,… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Thursday)
Perez Hilton reports that Christina Aquilera will be on the American Idol finale. He also thinks that this season is a bore. Just because Crytal Bowersox is not all Lady Gaga’ed out, does not make her boring at all. – PEREZ HILTON Sarah Jessica Parker is reading up on everything Halston. How about a sewing class. – PAGE SIX Madonna looks amazing in these ads for Dolce Gabanna’s next ad for MILF’s. – LIVE JOURNAL So, Anna Wintour‘s Fashions Night Out is going to be the word’s largest extravaganza. I wrote about this on February 2. Tell me something I… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Friday)
Met Crystal Bowersox yesterday who is so beyond lovely…I can’t stand it. Rumors that she wanted to quit AI abound…but my money and heart is on her. – TMZ Lindsay Lohan’s next gig playing Linda Lovelace? That would be so major…it’s beyond. – NY POST These schizophrenics (who I am sure are lovely people) are the lead story in The New York Times Style Section. How schizophrenic is that? – NY TIMES says skinny jeans are out and big flare bottoms are in. Agree or disagree? – STYLE.COM Brooke Muller has loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly…Hills… Read More »
So, not that I give a flying cahoot, but ABC-TV is beginning to release the names to the media of the people cast for the upcoming edition of Dancing With The Stars, a.k.a. How On God’s Green Earth Is This Show A Hit? Yesterday, Perez Hilton announced that Pamela Anderson will be one of the people desperately holding on to dear life for their careers. Though Kelly Osbourne, who I adore, walked away from this show with flying colors and a fierce body, many have gone onto seeming ridiculous…or insane. My source told me that Pussycat Doll extraordinaire, Nicole Scherzinger… Read More »
Gaga Needs Pearly Whites
I know, I know…blasphemy to say anything contradictory about Lady Gaga. I get it…she’s fierce. She’s Perez Hilton‘s best friend. She’s the apple of everyone’s eye from 6 to 60 years old. I get it. “She’s the new Madonna, but better”, some people say. But can I just point out her teeth here glittering amongst all the white pearls from her performance at the amfAR Benefit in New York City? Without being chastised? No? OK, arrest me. Put me in Gaga Prison.… Read More »
I just was reading through the list on about what fashion brands will pay to sit front row during New York Fashion Week. What a crock of hooey. Let me start by saying that part of my business is orchestrating front row talent for assorted companies and none of what they are reporting is true. What I think did was call a slew of garden variety talent agents and received generic quotes. One thing you learn about casting a front row is…never call agents. They love throwing out ridiculous nilly-willy high prices. And that does not even get… Read More »