Posts Tagged «First Lady»

There are certain things that I do not need to know, like who designed Kate Walsh‘s jewelry when she is on some red carpet. Well, or anyone’s jewelry on a red carpet come to think of it. Sure. I like to know who designed the dresses, but the jewelry? Who cares? It’s not like the TV viewing audience is running to Google Neil Lane and ordering the diamond encrusted emerald earrings. For the most part, that information is blather. In this age of celebrity hounding, there’s way too much information out there and it is really getting nauseating. It makes… Read More »

The Russians are coming…for Michelle Obama. Yes…really. Now even Russian fashion designers are dishing our First Lady. Like Russians, are known for style, grace and elegance? I don’t think so. Let’s take a look at some of the Russian designer’s schmatehs that were recently featured at Moscow Fashion Week. I am sure you will agree with me, that the Kremlin will continue to be known for vodka, borscht, and trading their girls on the internet and at modeling agencies. I mean…who has time to listen to this Russian nonsense? These designers are best served honing their craft and piping down.… Read More »

OK, OK. Sure Michelle Obama is fierce. And very stylish. And totally cool. And really smart. And her politics are wonderful. And her positive impact is being felt worldwide. And her husband is Barak Obama. OK, OK. But I have to draw the line in the sand to this ridiculous comparison between her and Carla Bruni. First of all, why must we simpletons resort to comparing at all. Why can’t people just stand on their own merit. Why can Michelle just be fabulous, compared to nobody. And what is to be gained by declaring that Michelle “out-glamed” Carla? I’ll tell… Read More »