Since I Mean What established the expression, Manzie, people have been sending me emails asking what is appropriate to wear for fear of not looking like a Manzie. Now that we are drenched in the middle of the August heat, the topic of Men In Shorts came up from a guy named Bruce.
Hey Abe,
About the Manzie thing…I was wearing a pair of shorts the other day and because I’m not tall a.k.a. short, they were a little long and I was worried that that were looking like men’s capris!! I may never be able to wear those shorts again!! What is the right length? Thanks…
Hello Bruce,
I am no Jolly Green Giant myself and think three times before I walk out the door in the summer. Here are a few images of Do’s and Don’ts coupled with a rule or two. Hope this helps.

A gentle reminder that Old Manzie on a Train is not a good look and those shorts needed to be longer...if at all.

You see what I mean? This short, old Manzie, seems very sweet, but a short, old Manzie has to be careful with baggie shirts and shorts, which accentuate his skinny arms and legs. I don't know, I'd love to say "live and let live" here, but yikes.

This length is not bad...but that tucked in shirt on the high-waist shorts is all sorts of not fabulous. And I am sure he thought he looked fabulous.

This guy is cool. His body type works with this length, and the overall look really works well. Knowing your body type is critical to any ensemble.

I like this length for most people. Short, tall, dead.

Once again, tucking it is a challenge. And draw string is no exception, on the contrary.


This works because this guys also knows his body type. The shorter length looks good on a tall, lean body. I know Bruce, I hate him too.

Though Chuck Bass is a total Manzie, he is all sorts of adorable and his style of dress is never offensive. Overbearing, yes, offensive, no.

Somehow this outfit doesn't work. The shorts are a bit short. Maybe it's the straight cut shirt that bugs me.

This Prada homage to Flashdance never went over from last spring.

And this Prada-lina micro-mini short is best worn under a pair of pants, or shorts for that matter.

Muccia tried pushing the mini-skort for men, too.

Are you ready to brech? (Vomit in Yiddish)

This is just more than I can bear.
WOW… the little i knew about shorts. Thanks for the heads up. You're like the Messiah… so wise… like an old owl.
That first pic of the guy on the train reminds me of my grandpa. Always dressed like that, preferably with black socks pulled all the way up. But he never, ever left the house like that. always made sure to 'dress up', even if he was just going to the store.
Any man who wears shorts is a brave man. It can be very hard to pull off, as is painfully obvious here.
i think ur rules suck, let people have fun wih what they wear……doesnt iman say; because fashion isnt always pretty 😉 and iman is one of the spiritual voices fashion has
This is a great page.
The Chuck Bass look is awesome and I love going out and buying items of clothing that resemble his, so I can then go around telling all my friends "I'm Chuck Bass".
I found that exact top he is wearing in the pic above but the colour scheme is different. Mine is black, green and grey, rather than, red, white and beige, however I still pride myself in the fact that I look like Chuck Bass.
Now all I need is the shorts, socks and shoes & im good to go.
hahaha 😛
Abe, Love it…great story!
[…] say cargo shorts nust be erases from the Earth. Then again, I said that eons ago in an entry called The Short Answer On Shorts. Where’s Kanye been?Send us your thoughtsComments will not be published.Tagged: kante west […]
i m tall and a slim build ,but i like to wear shorts that are very short,i think i look good in them