More Bla Bla on "Madonna"
Ahhh, the journey of one person’s struggle to become a celebrity. How many of these situations have we watched unfold in front of our eyes. Lost count? I sure have. But I’d like to stop and discuss a few of these people who have hit the airwaves with a thunderous boom and share my perspective. Today’s article in The New York Times Style section about Jesus Luz, Madonna’s boyfriend, is a searing, riveting tale of how one poor, little boy in Brazil made his way to the top of the New York City heap, complete with publicist. Grab your hankies.… Read More »
What They Really Think
Here’s a game that we can all play together. It’s pretty easy. I will show you a picture followed by a few statements. You select the answer that best fits the person/people and the situation. Easy and fun! A) Now what are we gonna do? B) Look, we’ve gotten this far, surely some stupid publicity scam will keep us in the public eye. C) All of the above. A) One sex tape, even sex tapes. What’s the difference? B) These boobs are all I have left. C) I should have lied to Perez Hilton, God damn it. D) All of… Read More »
Some days there are a slew of silly stories that are worth commenting on. This is one of those days. There is no real theme, no rhyme, no reason. Well, surely there is no reason for these people to be in the news, but since they are, hello fodder. NEWSFLASH!!! Carrie Prejean and Sarah Palin have become friends since the ‘I hate gays (except my mother) speech’. Birds of a feather. NEWSFLASH!!! Carrie Prejean confesses to sex tape on Sean Hannity’s FOX-TV News Show: “It was the biggest mistake of my life-ish.” To read past installments of The Nobody News,… Read More »
Underwear is The New Outerwear
Ladies, get out your underwear. In light of the hard hit economy, and the teetering luxury goods business, there’s a great way to be up to the minute in fashion without buying a thing. The answer? Wear nothing. I kid you not. I am not saying buy nothing new. I mean wear actually nothing. Now you can prance around in your skivvies AND be in vogue. How fantastic is that? I’m a little jealous because men cannot get away with that, whereas women can. I have been grappling with myself (schizophrenia) about this lingerie as outerwear fashion trend that has… Read More »
Last night, Bryan Bantry invited me to the special screening of Michael Jackson’s This Is It, the documentary film, directed by Kenny Ortega, based on “the making of the” This Is It Tour. “It is a must see.” Around the time of Michael’s’ passing, rumors swirled that he was in no condition to do 50 shows and endless other horrendous stories therein. With the non-stop, 24-hour-all-Michael-all-the-time, barrage of media reporting on his condition, from the pundits, people-out-of-the-woodwork, past employees, doctors and even his family members, you just didn’t know who to believe…until now. The reason to see this film (besides… Read More »
All I Know Is That I Don’t Know
The above statement definitely makes me sound clueless, and perhaps I am. Though many of you have commented on my honesty and astute observations about the media, fashion, celebrity and politics, I still find myself scratching my head whenever I read the headlines. Today is no exception. Whether it’s from The New York Times, The Huffington Post or, the headlines are chock full of information that gives me pause…to say the least. Here’s a few of today’s ditties.… Read More »
Has the parade passed us by? Is it over yet? Can we breathe? Can the dresses just stop careening down the runways now? Damn, World Fashion Week is endless. Thankfully they saved the best for last…and no, I do not mean Louis Vuitton. That shizz screams Emperor plenty. That, or, since he is so big in Japan, there is a touch of Harajuku sprinkled in the looks. Besides, LV is far more interested in the bags than the clothes. If you remember correctly, all the LV ensembles worn by the likes of Madonna, Lake Bell (zzz) and Leighton Meester ended… Read More »
Am I Missing Something Here?
Before the Paris shows get under way, I wanted to stop and take stock of the images I saw today from paparazzi-land that struck me as either annoying, or questionable. Just because these people are photographed, does not make them interesting. I have done several editions on IMW, called The Party’s Over, where I feature images of “party people” that are basically a bunch of nobodies who think they are somebody, or shall we say, a wanna-be somebody that really is nobody, or perhaps, a wanna-be who will always be…in essence…a never-was. Am I clear? Does that make sense? It… Read More »
NEWS FLASH: Yikes From The VMAs
Yes, the I Mean…What?!? fashion coverage is important to get out as it is news, but surely when I noticed the many style faux pas on the MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet, I had to share this newsflash. Especially with some of the doozies I’ve noted. Part of what is so wrong with our world is that the youth centered awards shows have become a low-rent, tacky shit show. How do we expect to get back to a more genteel time, when the barometer of what is appropriate is so low? It’s why I’ve been saying, “The end of… Read More »
We all know that action speaks louder than words. But pictures speak volumes. Sometimes loud is just annoying…as in the case of loud talkers…you know who you are. But with pictures…now there’s a tale that is told with a simple glance. On days where time is of the essence, I give you what to look at. Have a great day.… Read More »