Posts Tagged «adolf hitler»

Sheldon Adelson Shlameel, Shlamazel, Hasenfeffer Incorporated… Read More »
Talk of Adolf Hitler rages on, between the recent John Galliano flap nightmare, coupled with the resurfaced, vintage footage of Francoise Dior, Christian’s lovely Nazi niece, chatting about how much she loves Hitler, too. My idea for an I Love Hitler T-shirt is not such a bad idea. Well, think of the press it would get. But I digress. The above picture is Eva ‘I Love Hitler’ Braun, pictured in black face, inspired by her favorite film The Jazz Singer, starring Al Jolson, the Jew. What is wrong with this picture? Besides everything. It is like the N-word in a… Read More »
The Tea Party’s Over
I have heard just about enough from the Tea Party, the Tea Baggers, the morons, whatever you want to call them. What country do we live in and worse, what year is this? When I think back to when the United States was truly, beautifully motivated for change, back in the late 1960’s, when our message was Women’s Rights, Black Power, Student’s Rights, Stop The War, Peace Now, Flower Power, Peace, Love and Woodstock, it makes me sad at the rhetoric we hear now from crowds. Many of these Tea Baggers can barely string together a coherent sentence and worse,… Read More »