Posts Tagged «Alan Cumming»

Alan Cumming is an activist’s actor’s actor or is it actor’s actor activist? He is deeply committed to important issues, we worked together on the UN Millennium Goal Campaign and Alan has recently joined the Board of Activates for the Family Equality Council. The mission of FEC is a commitment to changing attitudes and policies to ensure every family is respected, and especially the more than a million families in the United States whose parents are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender. … Read More »

Alan “The Second” Cumming
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Alan Cumming boldly came out swinging at the Obama Administration and all I can say is “two snaps up” to that. Alan says that Obama has done, and I quote, “Didly squat for gay rights.” Well, kids, as sad as all this is, what can I say besides I told you so, long ago when everyone was taken by Obama’s smile on the campaign trail, while turning their backs on Hillary Clinton. It was June 29, 2007, early on in the game at the Howard University hosted debate for the Democratic nominees. I’ll never forget it. The question came to… Read More »
Who Wears Short Shorts?!?
It was not that long ago, actually last year at this time, that I MEAN…WHAT?!? discovered The Manzie. You know how The Wolfman is part man, part beast? Well, a Manzie* is part man, part nelly beast. It all started quite innocently when I was just finding my mojo as a blogger and noticed that all the spring men’s shows were featuring the nelliest clothes on Earth. “Not that there is anything wrong with it.” But then, the fall collections showed lots and lots of butch realness (pants tucked into boots?) going down the runway. I thought perhaps, that the… Read More »
“Menswear should take cues from womenswear, and not just the other way around,” says Muccia Prada in BlackBook. Now, you all know how much I love to trash a good manzie (click to get official meaning). It has been eons since I did a session on that “look”, which confuses many of my readers, while providing many good laughs. “But, Muccia, what items in womenswear can men pull off without looking like big, nelly queens?”, I Mean…What!?! wants to know. Leggings for starters. Leggings have been on trend and a huge best-seller for the past few seasons. But on guys?… Read More »