Posts Tagged «All About eve»

The thing about applause is that you just can not get enough of it; ask Lady Gaga or any actor, singer, dancer, athlete and politician for that matter. Now comes one more video version of Lady Gaga’s new hit song Applause … Read More »

The Phony…I Mean…Tony Awards
What a crock of hooey these Tony Awards are, or shall we say, The Antoinette Perry Who-Gives-A-Damn-About The Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Theatre. The title of that award is pretentious enough to choke a horse. They should rename it the Sarah Siddons Award, like the one Eve Harrington won in All About Eve. Literally, if it wasn’t for Doogie Howser, would anyone watch that friggen awards show on CBS, sponsored by Geritol. Let me start by saying that every time I go to a Broadway show, I am overwhelmed as to how many bad hairdos can be clumped… Read More »