Posts Tagged «biggest loser»

Awwww, poor Michelle Bachmann. She’s running neck and neck with the losers Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman for Biggest Loser in recent polls. Now, look, I am the first one to call that woman a crackpot and her gay husband Marcus Bachmann, a closet case. But to refresh your memory, I started the Michelle Bachmann for President campaign in May (see below), knowing full well that she guarantees Barack Obama’s second term. Well, I am still happy to support Bachmann for President. Please join me. Listening to old bug eyes yattle on and on how she would stop giving food… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Sunday)
Ali and Lindsay Lohan arrived at the Mercer. I actually look forward to when these two do a photo shoot together. – JUST JARED Kathy Griffin is still talking about her under-interesting bedazzled hoo-ha. Like how long ago did you do that? Like I believe those things stayed on? Fotz. – PAGE SIX agrees with my choice for best dressed at the Costume Institute. Calvin Klein’s simple elegance ruled. – STYLE.COM The biggest loser her was the husband since the Rasha Spindel lost the lbs and moved on to eating other kinds of things. Oh no I didn’t. -… Read More »