Posts Tagged «Brad and Angelina»

Great Scripts
There is a saying in Hollywood that if you have a great script and throw it out of your car window onto the 405 Freeway, that it will still end up getting made. That from the head of Paramount Studios who would know, since she used to have the 405 scoured for great scripts by her lackies, I mean her executives. One cannot properly exist in Los Angeles without being able to say, “I am writing a screenplay”. It is practically illegal not to at least be able to say that you and a friend are “collaborating on a project”,… Read More »

Couple of weeks ago, with an itch to see a summer film, though the offering so far seems lackluster, we were this close to seeing Super 8 when a review in The New York Times by Manohla Dargis lead us to, of all places, Bad Teacher. According to Ms. Dargis, this film was one step away from a Carole Lombard screwball comedy directed by Howard Hawks. Clearly, someone drank the Kool-Aid or some kind of liquid substance before seeing this film, that not being me. Dumbstruck, we sat through the movie wondering what the attraction was for Manohla. Have I… Read More »
Pia Gets A Record Deal
In what surely was Pia Toscano‘s luckiest day, last Thursday the stunning songbird got booted off American Idol to a shocked studio audience and a sobbing Jennifer Lopez. But sob not, because Jimmy Iovine signed her for a record deal as soon as the show ended. Here’s the weird bit, on Wednesday night, I had a feeling that Pia was going to get booted off and through all 10 seasons of Idol, I have never called to vote for anyone. Not even Fantasia Barrino. But I was compelled to call that 866 Pia number like a dozen times. When I… Read More »