Posts Tagged «Collagen»

Restylane and Juvederm and Collagen, oh my! As a staunch supporter of anything that improves anything, I want to introduce you to a new product, Concentré de Collagène by Roy Teeluck—an innovative, concentrated collagen serum for healthy hair and scalp. Collagen for the hair, you ask? The results are astonishing: from shinier, healthier hair to fuller, more voluminous blow-outs. The product infuses much-needed collagen in its whole molecular form into the scalp, which nurtures and replenishes the skin. Concentré de Collagène promotes an enriched environment for your hair to maintain its optimal health as it grows. Roy’s clients are enjoying… Read More »
Fresh Cheeks
Cheeks…they are all the rage. Cheeks are the new black. Everyone is getting “the cheeks”. If you don’t have “the cheeks”, then you just don’t have cheeks. The use of facial fillers such as Juvederm, Sculptra, Restylane, Radiesse, and Collagen have become the short answer to the long question, “Why must we age?” New York Magazine did an in-depth report on The New Face, which is the dire attempt to bring your old face back, the face you had when you were young, rather than the tragically obvious face-lift. Face-lifts are sooo last decade. Fillers are what’s happening, and everyone… Read More »