Posts Tagged «David Beckham»

What is the deal with Vanity Fair‘s obsession with Tiger Woods and his merry band of hookers? The new issue, on stands today, continues its coverage of the Gross Baboons that brought down America’s most boring sports superstar. The Temptation of Tiger Woods, Part Two digs deeper into this less-than-riveting story, which is sooo yesterday’s breakfast. Surely I am not alone when scratching my head wondering why Vanity Fair, my favorite (or used to be favorite) magazine would spend their resources and time on something that could have lived on thier blog and save the printed pages for more compelling… Read More »

Although I am on a quasi-vacation, this ditty caught my eye so I wanted to share the horrendosity of it all. Posh Spice’s handbag collection is worth $2,000,000. Like I care to know this? This is news? That she needs 100 Birkin bags speaks to a much larger story of neediness and self-absorption. How Beckham deals with this is a bit of a mystery to me. Seems like Guy Richie had enough of the Madonna overkill and set himself free. But, hey, who am I to judge what goes on behind closed doors. If I were the Beckhams, I’d much… Read More »

Now that Alan Greenspan has left the main stage, after fucking up our economy, word is from his new book, “The Age Of Turbulence” (or How I Fucked Up the World Economy) that we can gauge the state of the economy by looking at the sales of “male underpants”. I mean…what?!? Greenspan was known for his “quirky, proletariat metrics to judge the temperature of the economy”, but the male underpants thing sounds a bit kinky…no? Do you think he studied all the men’s underwear ads in an effort to garner inspiration for his economic philosophies? You know, just lay out… Read More »