Posts Tagged «donald trumo»

The Empire Strikes Back(Fire)
Sheldon Adelson, Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers are the new face of evil. Look into those pusses, long and hard and be very afraid. These Gross Baboons make the three witches in Macbeth seem like pussy cats. The Evil Empire Super Pac are bonding together to plan the demise of Barack Obama. Except that there is one major thing that these disgusting, sickening, vomitous creatures are forgetting. That Good ALWAYS triumphs over Evil. And with Karl Rove’s finger in the socket, that trinella is going to self-implode like I am sitting here. Mark my words or better yet, read… Read More »
Now that I can admit that one of my guilty pleasures is watching Celebrity Apprentice, I am not sure that Donald Trump should run for President of the United States. Can he do both gigs? Would he put the heads of state in the board room to straighten their asses out…or better…get fired? In theory it sounds like a good idea…to run the Free World like a reality show. After all, politics is good inexpensive to produce content. But the reality of that reality show seems far fetched. What’s more, I am not sure how Melania Trump would fair against… Read More »
Look, I am by no means a prude, but have you seen the new campaign to promote the Miss USA pageant? Donlad Trump‘s properties have just had a major Victoria’s Secret overhaul. The marketing campaign just launched and all 51 contestants have traded in their pageant hair and cornball, prom gowns for that skanky, Gross Baboon of the Year look that all of Tiger Woods‘ skanks share. Now, I am all for racy, but didn’t Carrie Prejean…nutbag hypocrite extraordinaire…get chastised for being a skank? Will this new pageant action shift the talent portion of the evening? Will we see Fellatio?… Read More »