Posts Tagged «Entertainment Weekly»

Lady Gaga: Looking Like A Lady
Lady Gaga is a dichotomy. She is the sum of two totally different parts. She is the only person who can land on The Not Best Dressed List and be acknowledged as looking fierce on the same day. Entertainment Weekly reported that Lady Gaga paid a visit to Springfield to do a guest spot on The Simpsons. She looks fantastic channeling Ursula Andress. Whenever she dresses like a lady, she looks great. When she becomes a cartoon of herself, then fotz. Wonder what the real cartoon version of Gaga will be.… Read More »

Who Are Our Kate & William?
Fresh off the heels of the most romantic moment in couples history, I am left wondering who we have in the United States that can remotely be called our own royal couple. Enter Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson. Don’t look now but the slow burn of promoting the next and final-ish chapters of the Twilight Saga has begun, kicking off with an exclusive cover story in Entertainment Weekly. The timing seems intentional, can’t you hear them in the EW cover meeting now, “Let’s put Bella and Edward on the cover, America is drunk with romance thanks to the Royal Wedding“.… Read More »