Posts Tagged «GQ»

A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »
There’s nothing like a rainy Saturday afternoon, curled up on the couch with the new issue of Vanity Fair. It has been a favorite pastime for years…especially since we get so much freakin’ rain. Lately though, some of the subjects and stories featured in VF are getting as pedestrian as punch. Case in point: the issue with the Tiger Woods‘ cover, thrown in there for good measure, to garner some newsstand action. I understand that need for Graydon Carter to want get in on the greatest media obsession on Earth, but that cover was nauseating and frankly, above Vanity Fair.… Read More »
Recently, January Jones was photographed in GQ flaunting her tits a la Maxim. As the magazine industry continues to spiral downward, GQ, whose readers I guess want to see boobs, has been featuring actresses with that come hither approach to photography a.k.a. Playboy. Maxim is the NASCAR version of Playboy, and the more attention the women get who grace the pages, the more little Hollywood starlets want to be featured there. Case in point, child actress Amanda Bynes, who took this Maxim moment to break out from her goody-two-shoes perception and show the world her parts. I call this Maxim… Read More »
Am I A Prude or Am I Right?
Call me a prude, fine, but the things some women wear these days are way too revealing…OK…slutty. Sexy is a great thing, and details like backless, plunging necklines, or even midriff baring are all fine by me. But there is a fine line that divides sexy and bad taste. The lack of outrage from womens groups or their silence is disheartening. Is this what Gloria Steinem fought for? Women to flaunt their tits and parade around like sexual objects of desire with their phony catch me, catch me coquettish acts? I don’t think so. I am not saying cover up,… Read More »