Posts Tagged «Jezebel»

Something wonderful happened in the aftermath of writing that story, What The Gap Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love. The next day—after my article had gone viral…… Read More »
Yesterday, I Mean…What?!? shared the cover art for the upcoming issue of MUSE, the Fashionart Magazine from Milan shot by Yu Tsai, featuring Lindsay Lohan. You’d think by the the comments all over the internet that we did something malicious. You know, like the Bitches of Eastwick coming out of the woodwork, claiming that we had sex with Tiger Woods, (I’m breching at the thought, but would happily take the million bucks). Or sneaking into the White House illegally like Michaele and Tareq Salahi the desperadoes du jour. Or perhaps like Courtney (more facial fillers now) Love, accusing Britney Spears‘… Read More »