Posts Tagged «khloe»

httpv:// Watch Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian tell you to Barack The Vote. Best slogan ever… Vote Bitches. Don’t you wonder who The Kardashians are going to vote for come November? Well look no further than this new Public Service Announcement from the Bizarro World Kardashian Sisters.… Read More »

Kim Kardashian was photographed with Hulk Hogan, like the day his gross sex tape came out in the press. Does the expression, “Water seeks its own level” apply here? That would be yes. Remember kiddies, what made Kim Kardashian famous in the first place was her sex tape with the other black guy, Ray J. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Ray J the guy that was with Whitney Houston until her untimely, sad demise? Oh what strange webs we weave. httpv:// Speaking of weaves, when will Kim Kardashian and the Klan launch the hair extension kollection to… Read More »

A Kardashian source told Gatecrasher in New York Daily News that Kim Kardashian would “live and breathe to hang out with Beyoncé.” Well, duh. You don’t have to be an insider to tell us something so obvi. Anyway, here’s how that all went down.… Read More »

Patsy and Edina spoof the Kardashians on the new Absolutely Fabulous… Read More »
Rather than go on a vitriol of my own about the tone of this past election cycle, which I am fully convinced is due in large part to the way Sarah Palin ran her personal popularity contest, I’d rather bring a little light and levity to what is now a time for heavy hearts. This weekend, a tragedy of tremense proportions has befallen on Arizona, and the world. Any way you slice it, it was no different than the underwear bomber of last Christmas, and every other recent terrorist act. Acts that are becoming way too commonplace in a world… Read More »
We are all entitled to screwing up how we look and Kim Kardashian is no exception. Normally stunning, here we see that she must have gone to Jamaica on vacation where no matter who you are, you get cornered by a native who cornrows your hair. There is no other excuse. She could not have been convinced to do this by her regular hair guy. And her sisters Khloe and Kourtney must have been filming their new show because this is a “when in Rome” look, like I am sitting here. So, Happy New Year’s Kimmie. You look horrendous. Welcome… Read More »