Posts Tagged «nazi»

Douche Of The Day
Everyday there is a news item about someone that clearly fits the title, Douche of the Day. I hereby christen this new entry and intend to share with you my Douche of the Day. To kick-off this column I give you Republican Allen West who claims that Democrats are like Nazis or some such nonsense. Talk about calling the kettle black or the real Nazi calling the kettle a Nazi. This moron a.k.a Douche of the Day said this: “If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party because they have an incredible propaganda machine,” West… Read More »
Talk of Adolf Hitler rages on, between the recent John Galliano flap nightmare, coupled with the resurfaced, vintage footage of Francoise Dior, Christian’s lovely Nazi niece, chatting about how much she loves Hitler, too. My idea for an I Love Hitler T-shirt is not such a bad idea. Well, think of the press it would get. But I digress. The above picture is Eva ‘I Love Hitler’ Braun, pictured in black face, inspired by her favorite film The Jazz Singer, starring Al Jolson, the Jew. What is wrong with this picture? Besides everything. It is like the N-word in a… Read More »

Kernels of Dish (Sunday)
And finally, watch this touching Gorillas in the Mist-like tidbit from deep in the jungles of Africa. Sob central… httpv://… Read More »