Posts Tagged «own»

Shalom Oprah, Goodbye AND Hello
What’s with the teary goodbyes to Oprah? OK, so her afternoon chat show is going dark after 25 years, but surely Oprah is not about to pull a Greta Garbo and veer off into obscurity. Trust me, she does not want to be alone. On the contrary. Be prepared to see more of Oprah in the weeks, months and quarter centuries to come. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that Oprah has created her OWN Network, which is her own network, a.k.a. Oprah Winfrey Network. When you create a network like when Ted Turner started… Read More »

Sex, Toys And Rock ‘N’ Roll
The New York Times Style section featured a great article on vibrators. Sex toys have come out of the closet and onto the shelves at Duane Read and Walgreen’s taking the taboo out of diddling with…… Read More »