Posts Tagged «Pakistan Fashion Week»

Are Al Qaeda A Bunch Of Manzies?!?
The least of Pakistan’s problems is the recent discovery that Osama Bin Laden was living high on the hog in the midst of their military retirement village. As Bill Maher so eloquently put it on Real Time this past Friday, “Let’s not call Bin Laden’s compound a mansion, it looks more like a five story tenement in Van Nuys.” One would have to agree there. No, what the Pakistanis have to be far more concerned about are their dueling Fashion Weeks. Yes, as Mercedes Benz Fashion Week has inspired even third world countries to get on the fashion stick, Pakistan,… Read More »
Excuse me for living, but are we or are we not like three seconds away from yet another war with Pakistan? Every night on the news the name Pakistan comes up when reporting on Iraq or Afghanistan. And isn’t Osama Bin Laden like living there? Shouldn’t we be bombing that whole rocky region from afar anyway? What am I missing here? Instead, Pakistan just hosted a fashion week and when you see these images…you will surely agree with me when I say, “I Mean…What?!?”… Read More »
Oh, if only I was reporting live, sitting front row at these farkakte fashion weeks from across the globe. But alas, here I sit, shivering me timbers in New York City, ogling images of assorted cat walk tragedies. I have enjoyed bringing you coverage from the “Other” Fashion Weeks including Tranny Fashion Week, Los Angeles Fashion Week, Madrid Fashion Week, New Zealand Fashion Week (?!?), Lakme Fashion Week, Pakistan Fashion Week, Abu Dabi Fashion Week, Dubai Fashion Week, Arabia Fashion Week and the upcoming, not to be missed, Aspen Fashion Week. And I say “Other” as opposed to “Ridiculous“. (Please,… Read More »