Posts Tagged «Ryan Kwanten»

A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »

Co-Founders, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels (Run DMC AND Rock and Roll Hall of Famer) and Sheila Jaffe, (Emmy Award winning Casting Director of “The Sopranos” and “Entourage”) are both adoptees who have searched for their birth families. Darryl and Sheila decided to start THE FELIX ORGANIZATION/ Adoptees For Children in February 2006. Penny Marshall directed their PSA starring Ryan Kwanten, Steven Tyler, Beverly D’Angelo, Carrie Fisher, Dan Aykroyd, Chuy Bravo, Jim Belushi, and many more.… Read More »

The news that Patrick Robinson was fired last week from the Gap was not that shocking. The Gap has had a few cute moments since Patrick arrived on the scene, but consistency was lacking. You don’t need me to ramble on and on about what did not work during his reign, but I am happy to suggest a few key bits that should be taken under serious consideration if they really want to revitalize the brand. First things first let us identify the key times that we “fall into the Gap” with full intention, because Lord knows, when you are… Read More »