Posts Tagged «Ted Turner»

Shalom Oprah, Goodbye AND Hello
What’s with the teary goodbyes to Oprah? OK, so her afternoon chat show is going dark after 25 years, but surely Oprah is not about to pull a Greta Garbo and veer off into obscurity. Trust me, she does not want to be alone. On the contrary. Be prepared to see more of Oprah in the weeks, months and quarter centuries to come. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that Oprah has created her OWN Network, which is her own network, a.k.a. Oprah Winfrey Network. When you create a network like when Ted Turner started… Read More »
Though Oprah has never been married to Stedman Grant, they did just birth a baby. A baby network that is. Our reigning queen of television has just popped out The Oprah Winfrey Network, OWN, which sums up the whole deal. According to Oprah, Stedman named the new tyke. Considered by many as our Princess Di, Oprah, not content with that title alone, along with cornering every other form of media, wanted to do pull a Ted Turner by starting her own network. A network true to her belief system. For Ted, it was wanting to deliver world news all day,… Read More »
“Menswear should take cues from womenswear, and not just the other way around,” says Muccia Prada in BlackBook. Now, you all know how much I love to trash a good manzie (click to get official meaning). It has been eons since I did a session on that “look”, which confuses many of my readers, while providing many good laughs. “But, Muccia, what items in womenswear can men pull off without looking like big, nelly queens?”, I Mean…What!?! wants to know. Leggings for starters. Leggings have been on trend and a huge best-seller for the past few seasons. But on guys?… Read More »