Posts Tagged «tweet»

A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »

The news that Patrick Robinson was fired last week from the Gap was not that shocking. The Gap has had a few cute moments since Patrick arrived on the scene, but consistency was lacking. You don’t need me to ramble on and on about what did not work during his reign, but I am happy to suggest a few key bits that should be taken under serious consideration if they really want to revitalize the brand. First things first let us identify the key times that we “fall into the Gap” with full intention, because Lord knows, when you are… Read More »
Death By Twitter
So someone Tweeted that Owen Wilson died today in Switzerland of an accident on a ski slope while snowboarding. We heard the news, went to the internet only to find out that it is not true. So is this what Twitter is good for now? Inaccurately declaring the death of actors? Like it isn’t bad enough that we have been reduced to 140 characters to communicate, now it’s the way to spread evil viscous lies? Let me tell you something, one of these days, someone will really get hurt as a result of some sick fuck who gets a kick… Read More »
Sarah Palin’s Assets
The news of Sarah Palin‘s seemingly larger breasts almost overtook the BP Oil Spill as the most talked about item of the week. Once again, it shows how deep the American conscience runs. Dead birds…awww…can’t deal. Big, shiny new breasts…let’s discuss and re-Tweet. We must stop trying to act like the leaders of the free world when all we can think about are tits and ass. Our obsession with body parts has tainted our ability to see the forest from the trees. Or the war and the peace, frankly. To my point: Every men’s magazine has actresses in skanky positions,… Read More »