The competition is fierce between New York, Paris, London and Milan for “most important fashion week”. It is an ever evolving process as to which city owns the top spot. Surely Paris has to be the most influential due to it’s rich history and deep fashion roots. That plus the perception that if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Yes, New York thinks that phrase only pertains to a New York state of mind. But I am here to tell you, that ain’t true…especially in reference to fashion. New York has been trying to hold on for dear life for that second slot, but it’s time to let go. Milan sits comfortably there. Italians are an extremely proud people. So proud of their heritage and craftsmanship, that you have to give it to them for the sheer fact that you can’t really argue with some in Italian…go find me someone who willingly speaks English. Yikes. But for the master houses alone like Gucci and Prada…they rule…but from the second tier. New York, I know, it’s not what you want to hear…but you come in third. Yes you do. When Fern Mallis was at the helm of the CFDA and helped to prove that American fashion was a force to be reckoned with, yes…New York had its moment in the sun. When Calvin Klein was still designing his collection, Geoffrey Beene and Halston were alive and fashion was not yet reduced to “an anybody can become a designer”…thank you Bravo network. Sorry, the flood gates that opened at New York Fashion Week dilutes our message and the strength of “American sportswear”…that which created the buzz in the first place. And lastly, we have London. A great city, great for shopping, but somehow, the overall industry is more quirky than beyond. Sure there are standouts…but the overall picture…well…there’s my list and I am sticking to it.
Milan had a great season. Sure there were IMW’s…but that’s a given. Here with are my best and worst of Milan Fashion Week. Let me start with Alberta Ferretti. I loved what she did in Milan and hated what she showed in New York. So, Alberta dear…get out of New York and stay where you belong…with your proud group of fierce Italians. New York does not need any more filler schmatehs. Lord knows we have to edit out a good 100 American companies as it goes.

This is part of the Ferretti New York mistake...I mean...collection. Alberta...stay in's fab.

Albino D'Amato said he was inspired by photographs of his grandmother on safari in the twenties. Rather...he was inspired by his grandmothers couch...who was a fat Goumada Jenny.

Though there was alot of it...but I like Blumarine overall. What I love about this dress is that its a great simple, sexy without showing skin AND is tie died. You don't see alot of chic tie die. This just works for me.

Overall, the Bottega Veneta colletion was relaxed and chic. Two snaps up Thomas Meier.

Yeah, yeah...everybody loves the D Squared boys. Rah, rah. This outfit is nonsense...yes, they do a few cool things and they definitely are savvy marketers...but honestly...stop throwing fierce parties in NYC during New York Fashion Week. Alberta and you guys just need to stay where you impact your city overall...not suck off some of New York's fabulosity. Needy much?

Francesco Scognamiglio is one of those unknown names here is the U.S. and for damn good reason. Sure there a few good pieces but whatever. I mean who is wearing this thing?

Iceberg (?) is another company that I just don't get. Walt Disney is probably the only one that will appreciate this Mickey Mouse inspired nonsense complete with booties...from his cryogenics lab.

Look at what it says on the Just Cavalli dress. Are you breching? I sure am.

There was a lot wrong with the Marni collection. Group after group that I was not feeling. But know the print doesn't work when you make a skinny girl look like a fat flower pot. Fotz.

Maurizio Pecoraro is another one of those Milanese designers with no recognition in the states...and I also see why. Nothing special down the runway really and this thing is an unflattering baggy schmateh...only done in fabulous Italian fabric. Hence...toodles.

Salvatore Ferragamo is just one of those leather brands that might just need to stay that. Who on Earth is going to want to wear these unflattering what looks like linen no less? OKIDEER.

Trussardi 1911 is another brand name that has just not been able to hold onto it's mojo. And B) What color are those leggings. And C) Are those leggings or knit panty hose?

I will end on a high note...Versace I think Donatella's brother would be proud. It was energetic, sexy and the use of archival prints gave the Versace collection a warm glow. You go, girl.

Love, love, loved Gucci.
What did you think of Milan?