While we were toiling around New York City, dashing uptown to Lincoln Center, then down to MAC & MILK, and of course to must-see shows like Alexander Wang at Pier 94 and Rodarte on West 22nd Street, something far more important in terms of fashion was happening in the world that completely went off of Anna Wintour‘s radar. Yes, of course, she is so busy between running a magazine, seeing all the shows of in-book advertisers, plus those that will one day, producing a TV show for CBS-TV on Fashion’s Night Out and producing Fashion’s Night Out, it is understandable how she would have missed the major fashion news that is Nepal Fashion Week. There is little more to say besides just take a gander at these photos. Nepal Fashion Week, which by the way, they call TGIF Fashion Week (I wonder if they serve chicken wings) is proof that we in NYC might know a few things about fashion, but we are not the last word. Rather…we are the first…because after you look at this…you will be speechless. London Fashion Week…take note.


Vey. Do you think those are real pearls?



Rather...Fotzy Balloons.

Horrenity squared.

Oh, this is flattering.
DISCLAIMER: When I say plus size…I mean related to fashion runway size. Most runway models are a size 2. If the model is bigger than that, I call her plus-size. I have been attacked for calling the next couple of girls plus size. Well…they are definitely plus something, cause they ain’t a size 2. To be clear, I have no judgment against women of all sizes. On the contrary.

At least Nepal Fashion Week is equal opportunity fashion. They welcome plus size horrendosity.

In case you needed a full view to prove my point.

And let's not leave out the guys on this journey to scary town fashion.

Simon Spurr...you have nothing to worry about.
sadly, you have no taste.
Wait. Stop.the.presses. How can you say that one of the models is plus size???? There are different standards of beauty on every continent. I see less attractive people than these girls EVERY DAY. And I am not saying those girls are unattractive. Yes, the clothes are poorly designed and garish, not couture worthy, we know. Looks more like first semester design studenty. But if you say the girl is PLUS sized….are you kidding, or are you kidding? Sidibe is in her own realm but what message are you sending to young women?
My point is that there are models…which are sample zize 2 that grace most runways. and then there's girls with regular figures…bellies, hips. etc. who, like Crystal Renn are considered plus size. Am I wrong? If so..I am happy to take it back.
To be honest, I like the menswear better..Looks lot more refined than the women's style
Not sure about the tiara on the first girl- that's little dated..
However, i know Nepal has come a long way when it comes to fashion, therefore props for trying…
The fashion industry is frankly speaking, high. They should stop labeling girls (like the models in Nepal) as "plus sized." Crystal Renn is not "plus sized." Then what do you call stored like "Lane Bryant?" On this week's episode of ANTM, Tyra sent the scary anorexic girl home. THANK YOU, LORD! Maybe, if they started showing normal models on the runway (of course I don't mean fat, just normal)and not as tall, then I wouldn't go into a store and pick out harem pants, only to try them on and see that I look like a short version of MC Hammer. Those tall skinny ones deceive the general public. I am all for pretty faces, but there are pretty faces that aren't tall or thin. I want to see those represented. There are too little of those "petite devisions." Christina Hendricks, is GAW-GEOUS, by the way.
whatever happened to freedom of expression? if this is what fashion means to the designers here, so be it. at least they don't force it on kids barely old enough to spell F A S H I O N.
What does a balding, old, ugly, juice head like Abe Gurko know about fashion, seriously who the fuck are you?
My dear Sonam…or whatever fake name you use…Why don't you tell me what you know about fashion and then I will happily share my experiences in the industry with you. But of course, you being a tastemaker in your own mind…would probably have a resume that reads like a veritable Who Cares, Who.
And being bald, of a certain age and someone that works out does not necessarily disqualify anyone from knowing what they are talking about and/or being funny.
Would love to see a picture of you too. Do send.
I love that the girls are fit but healthy, that is the goal of all women. None of them are plus sized but they arent skin and bones either. None are overweight (unhealthy) and none are underweight (also unhealthy). PERFECT choice on the models.
Bash the clothes if you want but the models look amazing. I say this and I am 5ft4 and a size zero.
before writing or giving any comments about the nepal fashion week i think the author should have done a little bit of analysis or research regarding fashion in nepal. u cannot give any judgements by only seeing those pics.if u dont know then i would be grateful to say u some facts. since nepal is a 3rd world country it is developing country. the first fashion show held in nepal was sunsilk fashion week in 2004.thus the journey of fashion week in nepal is only of 6 yrs.besides this no other fashion weeks took place in nepal. hence i'm happy to say that it had developed a lot only in six yrs.