Stop the presses! Forget the dresses and the heels and the tousles of hair and the glittery eye shadow from the Costume Institute Gala. We have something far more riveting to discuss. What, pray tell is more important that Anna Wintour, Bee Shaffer and Jennifer Lopez combined? Well, Karl Lagerfeld, of course. No, not because of Blake Lively and her cascading red ‘doo or her toga-style Chanel number. Rather, from Karl himself. From the moment Karl stepped onto the Red Carpet wearing that Tom Ford tuxedo, I was awestruck. Why? Well, let us go down memory lane and see the following example of Bitch Stole My Look.

Now just look at what I wore to my Bar Mitvah in 1969. Who wore it best is who wore it first, I say.
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Wonderful! But I love Karl, whatever he is doing…