Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the wardrobe (not the closet, relax) comes More Manzie Report.

Walter Van Beirendock currently has several wonderful pieces in the Reigning Men Exhibition @ the LACMA in LA. Not this!
Quien es esa Manzie, Who’s that Girl. Senorita, mas fina, who’s that Manzie? The past few years have been so boring in menswear, with guys wearing suits as some lame homage to the Yuppie, that the news for you undecided sexual preference types will have wardrobe options for days. I love and welcome Manzies back into fashion. The Manzie Report doesn’t live otherwise. I mean…one can look at an ankle-baring, rip-offs of Thom Browne‘s iconic suits for just so long without breching (vomiting in Yiddish).

Here Walter Van Beirendonck shows what Bird Bird looks like when he throws on a fabulous, fabulous blazer and off to the gay bar.

I am a huge fan of Mr. Browne because he dares to go far beyond what’s expected at runway shows. What can I say, he is a pocket full of miracles…
These next few collections are a total waste of time. If I was a buyer or a real live fashion media person, I’d be pissed to have to go through the hoops of a fashion show and be accosted with this uninteresting crap. Any money bet their audience is filled with Internet Sensations and So-Called Influencers. Or as I call them, Social Media Climbers.

KTZ is trying so hard to be interesting and their logo-wear meets The Fat Mummy is childish at best. A desperate attempt to do what Thom Browne did years ago to get media. So, I guess it worked…ish.

A couple of siblings have a line called Sibling. If my sibling came to me with this concept , I wouldn’t speak to her for years.

And (B) It’s gonna take a lot more than this hotter than hot, Turkish wrestler-looking hottie to make anyone wear this lace bolero-meets-Members Only number. And speaking of numbers, can I please have his? Pretty please?!?