Don't be popping that cork just yet.
The Emmy Wards were not terrible. But they were not great either. The reason why the Grammy Awards racks up over 25 million viewers, like twice that of the Emmys, is because the show itself is interesting…or more so…due to the sheer fact that there are performances. I have to agree with Defamer on half of their commentary. I liked Jimmy Fallon as host, though he could be reeled in a bit. Not everything worked. The worst part of the telecast was that color commentator who spoke as each winner went to the stage to receive their awards. He was unfunny and beyond annoying. The bad little bits and barbs that the presenters spew trying to act spontaneous are painful at best. The other thing about the Grammy Awards is that they don’t have corny orchestra music. The Emmys, as well as the Oscars are so old fashioned, like in a corny french horns kind of way. Anyhoo…between the bad up-do’s on the red carpet and the format of a show that lacks energy and performances, someone hip needs to take the reigns of these awards shows and change things up.
I watch the Emmys each year with a group of people who work in the industry. I'm convinced this is the only way to make it enjoyable.
I am all up for old-fashioned. Can you imagine the Emmy winners walking upstage to "Ale Ale Jandro" or "Let's get it started!" People wear whatever they want to the Grammy Awards, or can even come naked, but here they are expected to wear beautiful gowns. Can we actually see some civilized individuals other than hollerin' by the 20-something set? Can you ever imagine Cathy Bates or Sir Ian McKellan sit through a show if it were changed around? Sure you can, but they would be really uncomfortable. The best oscars were when Whoopi hosted them in '97 or something. Bring Whoopi back.
i think that no extreme is good.