Breaking Newzzz

Four years ago, Oprah made hay where the Obama sun shines and because of her, Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Now Oprah sits down with the Obamas to discuss life, family & politics. Here are a few key outtakes. Oprah also just so happens to have sat down with The Mitt Romneys as well, which sounds like a real bore. As mentioned in the past, Ann Romney scares the beJesus out of me.… Read More »

These make those McQueen Lady Gaga shoes seem like Uggs.… Read More »

Kim Kardashian was photographed with Hulk Hogan, like the day his gross sex tape came out in the press. Does the expression, “Water seeks its own level” apply here? That would be yes. Remember kiddies, what made Kim Kardashian famous in the first place was her sex tape with the other black guy, Ray J. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Ray J the guy that was with Whitney Houston until her untimely, sad demise? Oh what strange webs we weave. httpv:// Speaking of weaves, when will Kim Kardashian and the Klan launch the hair extension kollection to… Read More »

Designer Profile: Esteban Cortazar
The title of the film My Brilliant Career applies to “fashion wunderkind” Esteban Cortazar. I have been following and rooting for Esteban since he debuted his first ready-to-wear line in 2002 at the tender age of 18 to great acclaim. … Read More »

Gross Baboon of the Year Award kicks off awards season here at I Mean What. Hey, look, the Razzies started somewhere and surely not in a ballroom. … Read More »

What started out as pure innocent fun–rating chicks on college campuses–has mushroom-clouded into a serious business or more accurately, a massive, mishmash of mass-marketing mush. Sprinkle that with a plethora of celebrities spewing pearls of their newly acquired wisdom leaves us with a mosh-pit of “visual white noise”. Our in-boxes are stuffed with promotional opportunities, must-haves, pictures of C-List celebrities wearing Designer X on a red carpet, and news flashes that feature nothing new.… Read More »

Hiatus and Other Ironies
To some people, hiatus means you have just finished shooting the thirteenth episode of a quirky, new sit-com—that your producer believes will be the break-out, mid-season replacement—and are taking a well-deserved break in Cabo San Lucas. Naturally, you are hoping against hope that the network brass will order an additional thirteen episodes for a second season, but there is no telling what those suits will do once they show a few episodes to some random focus group in the Midwest; to people who have no sense of humor and won’t get the subtle jokes or the double entendres. So you spend your hiatus drinking and praying.… Read More »

Gay Bizarro World
The news, rather, the not news that Anderson Cooper is gay has sparked a flurry of comments, articles, reactions, presumptions and blather all of which has me wondering what Gay Bizarro World would be like. This is based on a Seinfeld episode based on a Superman episode where everything becomes the polar, or better yet, bi-polar opposite. For instance, in Gay Bizarro World, Kim Kardashian would announce that she is straight, making front page news in the New York Post and an Op-Ed piece by Thomas Friedman in The New York Times. The nationwide reaction would be shock, awe, dismay… Read More »

Do you promise to have the most excellent adventure? Well, isn’t that how Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure would end if it was made now with the passing of the Marriage Act? So much is about to change in our culture to accommodate the legalization of gays getting married. Forget about the acceptance of families and all that lovey-dovey emotional stuff. I am talking about how television and movies are about to get a rash of stories and reality shows that will cater to this new breed of social animal. Let’s start with Gay Bridezilla, Logo TV’s newest reality show… Read More »