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Justin Bieber is embroiled in yet another media flap following his recent visit to the Anne Frank House Museum. The social media furor (no pun intended) that followed his comments written in the guest book has Twitter a twitter with harsh comments and negative criticisms of the nineteen year old mega-superstar. Justin Bieber wrote, “It was truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” But is that statement really all that insensitive? Let’s break it down. 1. “It was truly inspiring to be able to come here.” The… Read More »

Our Mothers Our Fathers
Our Mothers, Our Fathers is a mini-series in Germany that The New York Times asserts is trying to “airbrush” a particular time in history, that lovely era when the Nazis were in full bloom. When you think about Nazi regalia, thigh-high leather boots, jodhpurs and cropped jackets adorned with heavy metal pins and colorful emblems that today we would coo if that same ensemble came waltzing down a fashion runway in Paris as opposed to storming into your home. No one was safe back then in Europe, unless of course you were blond and organized. What we now call OCD… Read More »

Papal Conclave vs. Heart Truth
Hail Mary. This particular Papal Conclave has so much riding on it, that I am seeing red. And with that, I give you the gals from Heart Truth event that kicks off New York Fashion Week. Any money bet that Diet Coke would love to sponsor the Papal Conclave too. Or maybe we should get Paypal can offer up some merchandising points. Anyhoo. What I want to know is why the Papalettes wear red, does it bring out their eyes?… Read More »

Charlize Theron Jeans?!? Help!
Ooh, La La Charlize.
Nothing comes between me and my Therons?
Somebody stop me.… Read More »

FNO = R.I.P.
FNO – Rest In Peace – Sayonara Shopping Sisters – See You At The Next Market Crash Fashion Night Out: Here lies a perfectly great idea that came to light at an incredibly upsetting time in our economy and leave it up to the PR & Marketing Gods & Godessess to have taken this brilliant concept that Anna Wintour created for the City of New York and turned it into a cheap cluster-fuck of nonsense and even cheaper thrills. Two years go while walking through the Meatpacking District smack dab into the POP CHIPS activation, I turned to my friend… Read More »

Matthew McConaughey What? Anyone who is anyone knows that I Mean What has been a voice against celebrity designers. These Johnny Come Lately non Academy Award winning, or Emmy, or Tony, or any any award winners try their hand, rather, they sell their name to a schmatta peddler and take some dosh. Lindsay Lohan, the slew of Kardashians, heck even Sarah Jessica Parker threw her hat in the ring at Halston, and today the news is that Matthew McConaughey has entered the ring for a bout of utter nonsense. This is more than anyone should bare. And when I say… Read More »

New York Fashion Weak
WTF! Has the world gone so topsy turvy that gross is the new black? When I read Cathyn Horyn’s bit in The New York Times about how mundane the first few days of New York Fashion Week were, I had to see for myself since I am lolly gagging in Venice Beach for the winter rinsing off the many prior New York Fashion Weeks for a cleansing moment. Upon perusing some of the collections via Women’s Wear Daily, or my inbox from a host of publicists, I was horrified at much of what I saw. Not everything, but enough… Read More »

Q. What is a Manzie?
A. A Manzie is not a Pansy or a Dandy. A Pansy doesn’t necessarily dress effeminately in order to be teased by a bunch of blokes. A Dandy dresses like a proper gentleman adding a special touch of avant-garde styling. A Manzie is a guy desperately trying to be “on trend”. He can be a straight man trying too hard to be stylish or a straight-acting-gay guy who acts extra butch to compensate for his quirky fashion choices. Bottom line: A Manzie will wear any of the outfits featured here. … Read More »

Hot Spot Alert: Circolo Restaurant: Having just returned from two glorious weeks in Tulum, Mexico, no one is happier than me to introduce you to Circolo, the newest restaurant to open its doors in New York City. The reason this is most exciting is because Circolo is the sister restaurant of Tulum’s popular eatery, Posada Margherita. … Read More »

Fiscal Cliff Schmiscal Schmliff. I am beyond over it. If I hear the words John or Boehner anytime soon I will bust a gut, surely not a move.… Read More »