Show Us Your Headshot…Wanna Be-s and Never Was-es Unite!

Ahh, the head shot. That ticket in. The piece of critical collateral that determines whether you stand a chance to get through step one of “I wanna be famous!” We’ve all…well…many of us…have gone through the process. Really hopeful and exuberant. Filled with pride that our hidden talents shall soon be unleashed for the world to admire. Thanks to that glossy piece of paper, featuring you and all your features. If you have not gone through that sticky process, let me say that between the time you decide you want to get a head shot and having the actual stack of 100 printed copies in your hand…it is a painful process. Who do I hire? Who do I know with a camera that is not a Kodak Inst-a-matic (am I aging myself here?) What is a studio? What’s wrong with the natural sunlight? Now, who do I send these out to? You become a quick study. And you throw away some money in the process. Today however, I want to feature a few head shots that I have found along the way that beg the question, “Who are you and why do you have a head shot…still?”

I know, I know, The Real Housesives of Atlanta is Anderson Cooper's guilty pleasure, but who on Earth thought this crop of women need to be photographed as much as they do. That would make them...less real. And while I am at it, Anderson Cooper better start reporting on the news rather than Michael Jackson's minutia or he will be needing a Bravo reality show too.

I know, I know, The Real Housewives of Atlanta are Anderson Cooper's guilty pleasure, but who on Earth thought this crop of women need to be photographed as much as they do. That would make them...less real. And while I am at it, Anderson Cooper better start reporting on the news rather than Michael Jackson's minutia or he will be needing a Bravo reality show too.

So, Willa Ford is a singer? Really? Of what, beer commercial jingles.

So, Willa Ford is a singer? Really? Of what, beer commercial jingles. Yikes.

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Guess who this beauty shot belongs to? Kai Chase, the chef at Michael Jackson's house that day he died. Now, you tell me...did she make some quick plans or what?

Guess who this beauty shot belongs to? Kai Chase, the chef at Michael Jackson's house that day he died. Now, you tell me...did she make some quick plans or what?

Linda Park...she wil soon be starring in "Infestation" paying the role of in nut.

Linda Park...she will soon be starring in Infestation playing the role of in nut.

This is the cast of that really popular TV show, Farscape.

This is the cast of that really popular TV show, Farscape.

This is James Marsters, you might recognie him from ye oldde Buffy the Vampire Slayer days. Look at what he is up to these days (see below)

This is James Marsters, you might recognize him from ye olde Buffy the Vampire Slayer days. Look at what he is up to these days (see below).



Lookie here. Lampchop is having a comeback. And none other than Shari Lewis' daugher Mallory "Mally" is spearheading this effort. Oh, America, we are headed back to the good old days after all.

Lookie here. Lampchop is having a comeback. And none other than Shari Lewis' daughter Mallory "Mally" is spearheading this effort. Oh, America, we are headed back to the good old days after all.

THough sh is beyond famous, but look at this old hed shot of Oprah. Nice lighting.

Though she is beyond famous, just look at this old head shot of Oprah. Nice lighting.

Got any headshots you think are hilare? Please send or

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