More Bla Bla on "last five minutes f fame"
Hollywood Walk of Fame-ish
Here’s proof that all you need is some dough in order to get a star of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. What’s next? Grauman’s Chinese Theater letting Kim Kardashian plant her tootsies in their precious cement? Call me old fashioned, but when I think of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, I think of Greta Garbo, Jean Harlow, Clark Gable and Fred Astaire…to name a few. Not Howie Mandel, or P Diddy, or does it say Sean Combs…whatever, Buzz Aldrin (really? why, cause he lives in LA?), or Ryan Seacrest. Can we call that a stretch…please? It all proves my point… Read More »

Hollywood and Brine
One thing is getting to Hollywood; the other is staying here. You can’t just stay here in the hopes of becoming a celebrity and take a job at a bank or some other menial office job in the Valley. Heaven forbid. … Read More »

Our family residence was a low-income nest nestled on a non-tree-lined street amongst a glut of row houses. Think of the East End of London without the cache of, well, London.… Read More »

The hysteria around the Netflix show “Tiger King” has been very eyeopening. What is it about this low-rent animal abuser has Jared Leto, Cardi B, and the many other celebrities peacocking their obsessions with his unforgivable shenanigans? … Read More »

There is no reason to think that Nobel prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez “Love in the Time of Cholera” and my desperate attempt at writing a book “Last Five Minutes of Fame” should be uttered in the same breath for literary purposes. But then again, Donald Trump shouldn’t be President of the United States, so fuck it…here goes.… Read More »

The Manzie Report. You know you want it, especially because it has been way too long since the last one. Just because I am no longer diligently blogging and pontificating on all things ridiculous does not mean I am dead. On the contrary, I have been lollygagging in Los Angeles writing a book and need to use all those creative juices for the massive undertaking of writing a novel. Until I can crank out The Great American Novel that is titled Last Five Minutes of Fame, here is a little somethin’ somethin’ to chew on. So, without any further ado,… Read More »

The fact that Republicans are already trying their darndest to implicate President Obama in the General Sexgate Scandal is utterly preposterous.… Read More »

So help me if they cast Tom Hanks as General Petraeus, I will scream. Paula Broadwell could be cast by Diane Lane, since she wishes she were her, and Jill Kelley can be played by Kim Kardashian. Well if the illicit sex fits…… Read More »

So now we should be envisioning the topless photo of some codger or the sneaking around between jogging and taking the next hill in Kabul? How do these people do all this catting around while doing important shit? How does one run the greatest military might or better yet, the sneakiest organization on Earth, then proceed to get caught with your pants down…LITERALLY!… Read More »

I have been commenting on Amanda Bynes and her desperate attempt to not be an chubby faced non getting work actress for years and now everyone has caught up to snuff. And when I say snuff, I predict that she may soon appear in a snuff film.… Read More »