More Bla Bla on "target"

What happened to the women’s movement? In the aftermath of the recent Rush Limbaugh Slut-gate, coupled with the queasy-stomach inducing Rick Santorum rhetoric about contraception, I am harkened back to the Salem Witch Trials. How can you allow Gross Baboons like Sanotrum and Limbaugh make hay? Surely you learned about those days, before Gloria Steinem made it OK for women to have an opinion and Helen Gurley Brown cleared the path to having an orgasm. It was before Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying, which was around the time when burning the bra replaced shopping for them. Wasn’t this incredible time… Read More »

Holy Menswear!
What is more delicious than the name of this designer collection in China? Chrisdien Deny does men’s and women’s clothing and accessories and should become the go-to designer for our entire right wing, Christian conservative zealots here in the US. Perhaps they could be the featured designer of choice for the Republican Convention in Tampa. Lord knows those Tea Baggers could use a make-over and do I got a line for them. Sidebar: I bought a baseball jacket in Korea once the said on the applique “All Love Is Need” instead of “All you Need Is Love”. Boy was that… Read More »

Please note: This Entry First Appeared July 12, 2009 Who’d have thunk that when I MEAN…WHAT?!? coined the phrase Manzie Report, and pointed out the horrendousness of some of the things that everyone’s favorite Manzie is wearing, that lo and behold, Time Magazine, yes, that magazine that puts Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin on the cover, has an entry about Mancessories. So, now that the Manzie has been adulated by the general media, I am thrilled to say my prescient observation of this uncanny trend has now been substantiated and I am officially anointing Time Magazine with… Read More »

Hot Couple Alert: Charlize & Alex
Charlize Theron and Alexander Skarsgård have sparked rumours they are dating after they were spotted getting cosy at a bar. The pair were seen together at the Gym Sportsbar, a gay nightspot in Hollywood, according to the National Enquirer. A source told the publication “it was clear they were a couple” as they were holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes on the patio after ordering two beers. “After about 45 minutes, they left with their arms around each other and drove off in the same car.”… Read More »

Lindsay Lohan Took My Advice
Not a week after I said that Lindsay Lohan should lose those bangs comes her new ‘doo and I am taking full credit. Whatever. this, after she was mistaken for Debbie Harry who is FORTY years her senior. Too bad she didn’t do this for her return to Earth on Saturday Night Live. People would have been more focused on that rather than her cue-card festoon.… Read More »

Manzies Are Back… Guess Who
“They’re baaack!” Remember Poltergeist II (see clip below) and to quote another line from the film here, “You are gonna die”, but only in the way that Rachel Zoe dies…as in I D-I-E. Manzies are back with a vengeance. Just look at what Marc Jacobs more to his Louis Vuitton after party in Paris. This updated Muu-Muu gown could very well be a Miu Miu gown, since he and Miuccia are palsies. But, hey, bless his heart for walking around as comfortably as he looks, complete with Priscilla Alden Pilgrim shoes, and not an ounce of flab. I’d kill to… Read More »

I love that famous quote from Francis Ford Copola’s Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.” And I am reminded of that very quote this morning as I read about all the backlash against Rush Limbaugh after he stuck his and everyone on Fox News’ feet in his mouth. Oh and a few Republican Presidential hopefuls as well. Yes, you Mitt & Rick. I have been a Rush hater for years and was reading through my older entries and came upon a starting revelation from January 2010. It was my shock and awe how the liberal… Read More »

Lindsay Lohan made an appearance to promote her Saturday Night Live hosting duties on The Today Show with Matt Lauer sporting a new set of bangs. Bangs are not for everybody. Her face is too round and it does not look great. Speaking of not looking great, check out Gabourey Sidibe at some event last week. Sorry, get it together girl. Back to La Liz, whose nickname also applies to La Lohan. Look at this snapshot of Liz. Lohan looks better without bangs as shown in Love magazine. Now if Lindsay wants to play Liz looking- The Cleopatra Years, she… Read More »

Closed Closed New York Fashion Week
After the runways were taken down, the chairs folded away, all extra The Dailies thrown in the trash, and a truce declared between the uptown vs. downtown fashion show war, came the unofficial closing party of New York Fashion Week. No, not the thing that Axl Rose sang at late into the night, rather the Closed party at The Bowery Hotel. Closed is a cool collection from Hamburg, Germany and Jessica Joffe and Ambra Medda hosted an informal cocktail party. If you were smart enough to attend, you would have been photographed by Martien Mulder, who set up a great… Read More »

Chris Brown Is A Gross Baboon
Just when you thought Chris Brown could not get any douche-ier, comes word that “she” continues to say the stupidest things on Earth. According to Us Weekly, the 22-year-old has acquired a new pick-up line when it comes to talking to the ladies. The singer reportedly approached an attractive brunette at a Grammy Awards gift lounge on Feb. 10 and asked: ‘Can I get your number? I promise I won’t beat you!’ Chris “The Douche” Brown has graced the pages of IMW for years now. Since whooping Rihanna’s ass to throwing a chair in the window of Good Morning… Read More »