Posts Tagged «all for charity»

Stop Bullying Now
Speaking of bullying, I saw the film, Bully the weekend it opened. A touching, moving, slightly long film that shows the loss and heartbreak associated with bullying. I would have liked to have seen a couple of examples of upwardly mobile kids getting bullied because bullying is not a mid-west, low-income, rural issue. It is a national… rather global affair. Reading the article by Lee Hirsch, the director in today’s Huff Po, I wonder if all the hype and attention has the power to change man’s inner bastard. One can only hope, but chances are unless strict punishment goes… Read More »

Co-Founders, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels (Run DMC AND Rock and Roll Hall of Famer) and Sheila Jaffe, (Emmy Award winning Casting Director of “The Sopranos” and “Entourage”) are both adoptees who have searched for their birth families. Darryl and Sheila decided to start THE FELIX ORGANIZATION/ Adoptees For Children in February 2006. Penny Marshall directed their PSA starring Ryan Kwanten, Steven Tyler, Beverly D’Angelo, Carrie Fisher, Dan Aykroyd, Chuy Bravo, Jim Belushi, and many more.… Read More »

Reason #1 To Stop Bullying
Please take 3 minutes of your precious time to watch this video. It is beyond touching and I beg you to consider the message and share this link.… Read More »