Posts Tagged «Arnold Schwarzenegger»

John Travolta’s Hair
WTF is going on with John Travolta’s hair? Does he not own a mirror? Is Kelly Preston, his occasional wife, living in another house since the gay rumors have swirled into truths? Are his publicists at Rogers & Cowan so afraid of him that they don’t know how to pull him aside and say, “Look, girl, you look like Esther Williams in a black bathing cap.”… Read More »

What do Nicki Minaj, Demi Lovato and Rihanna all have in common… besides the fact that they are singers?… Read More »

Now that Anthony Weiner has resigned and will soon vanish from the headlines, as the paparazzi and all the haters melt into the sunset leaving him and Huma alone to redefine their relationship, should Weiner still attend Horndogs Anonymous? Let’s face it, there is a 12 Step Program for every possible ailment, from Narcotics, Marijuana, Food, Sexual Compulsives, you name it. See the A-List below from Wikipedia. For some reason, however, Horndogs Anonymous was not included onto their list, probably because there are so few members. I started HA around the time of the Tiger Woods Skank-a-thon, making Tiger the… Read More »

Frankly, I am breching (vomiting in Yiddish). First of all, I am so over thinking about the sexual escapades of our politicians. It is just nauseating. Like I want to see Anthony Weiner‘s bare chest plastered across my 24″ monitor first thing in the morning? I almost puked…and I’m gay. I have never been a fan of tiny nipples and am still not. Especially when the nipples belong to the person who is supposed to be setting an example in our society. Remember when Obama was caught on camera in that bathing suit? He has tiny nipples, too. We would… Read More »

I have been feeling very nostalgic lately. We are living in a time of war, poverty, obesity, adultery, mediocrity, obsession with celebrity, and the Tea Party. It reminds me of that scene in The Ten Commandments when Moses comes down with the tablets only to find the “chosen people” have completely run amuck. Donald Trump is like that Edward G. Robinson character, hyping up the flock to pray to the golden calf, a.k.a. Kim Kardashian. Who have we become? Why are like sheep to the slaughter of our own best intentions? Eh, this is not for now, but I did… Read More »

Why Do Celebrities Cheat Down?!?
In light of the release of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mamma’s photo today, we here at IMW were sitting around pondering the phenomenon of celebrities cheating down rather than cheating up. Actually, unless you have other for instances, the only celebrity to actually cheat up–and I mean in a big way–was Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie from Jennifer Aniston. Besides that, the trend, for lack of a better word, is for the celebrity to troll around for haggy poontang and getting it. Here are a few such examples. Please follow us on or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »