Posts Tagged «Ashton Kutcher»

When I learned of Demi’s overdose last weekend, I immediately wrote a piece that included the below entry from November, titled Cougar Fatigue. My sweet nephew was appalled and asked me to take it down. But after I learned the details of what happened that night—which I will NOT share here—as always I was right. So here it is again. Cougar Fatigue is clearly what Demi Moore was suffering from. But now, I guess we can say that Demi is now officially suffering from Post Cougar Fatigue. A syndrome that older women and even older gay men suffer from. Keeping… Read More »

Demi Moore Overdoses On Blow
Poor Demi. She was just rushed off to the hospital for doing too much blow, reminiscent of her character on St. Elmo’s Fire. Last November I wrote a piece on Cougar Fatigue. Maybe this recent blow situation is a residual effect of that phenomenon and rather than really having done actual blow, she realizes that, “My life blows.” Poor Heather Locklear who was also rushed to the hospital for a drug related overdose. So what exactly is in the warm smoggy air? Clearly the wind blows. Ashton Kutcher and Jack Wagner may need to start their 12 Step Program: Celebrity… Read More »

Not trying to outdo Barbara Walters, but surely after seeing her choices for Ten Most Fascinating People, I have been advised–and well-advised at that–to create my own annual Ten Most Fotz-inating People since Walters’ choices have been so banal… kinda like the people that grace the pages of I Mean What?!? … Read More »

Ashton’s Gross Baboon
Who’s the biggere douchebag, Ashton Kutcher or Sara Leal?… Read More »
Social Media Climbers
The sad truth is that the social media landscape has become overpopulated with social media climbers. What started out as a perfectly communal idea, well, rating chicks on college campuses, but beyond that, keeping in touch with friends and making new ones, has turned into a massive mass marketing mess. Sprinkle that with a slew of celebrities spewing nonsense, and what is happening is something I call “visual white noise”. Facebook and Twitter are dissolving into one long ad roll. There is no doubt that CBS-TV is hoping that Ashton Kutcher will suck up to his millions of Twitter followers,… Read More »
I am a Democrat. I am also furious. Not that we lost the House. We all should have known that was coming and been psychologically prepared for the landslide. Seeing Barack Obama dumbfounded the next day at the press conference proves that, as he even referred to, “the glass bubble” has kept him at arms length from the American people. After all, every bloviator accuses him of that or being an “aloof Harvard professor”. Say what you want about Obama, but first look at this website that documents all the great things he has done in the last two years.… Read More »
Alan Cumming boldly came out swinging at the Obama Administration and all I can say is “two snaps up” to that. Alan says that Obama has done, and I quote, “Didly squat for gay rights.” Well, kids, as sad as all this is, what can I say besides I told you so, long ago when everyone was taken by Obama’s smile on the campaign trail, while turning their backs on Hillary Clinton. It was June 29, 2007, early on in the game at the Howard University hosted debate for the Democratic nominees. I’ll never forget it. The question came to… Read More »
Did you watch the video of Wanda Sykes from this past weekend’s Corrsepondance Dinner? It was hilarious…as is she, always. So now, naturally, comes the backlash against some of her wisecracks about Rush Limbaugh. I mean…what?!? The fact that Rush, the Oxycontin addict, should be spared anything, considering the venomous tirades he spews on air, with psychotic right-wing, gun-toting, racists hanging in on his every word, is just shocking. He has said things that if a black man (or woman) said it, would be treated much differently by the media. Political correctness is one of the main motivations for why… Read More »
What this week taught me was just how REALLY, profoundly powerful the internet and social networks are, with a special shout out to Twitter. That Susan Boyle received 30 million hits in one week is astonishing. And what it showed us ALL is that you don’t have to be a titty-and-belly-button bearing (Britney, Miley, Goo Goo Ga Ga) diva to get into the hearts and minds of the music loving public.The moment I saw Simon Cowell’s eyebrows raise after Susan’s 3rd note, I knew what he was thinking, “Il Divo who? Adam Lambert what? Gimme this house-frau any day of… Read More »