Posts Tagged «Attention K-Mart Shoppers»

The war in the Middle East will have nothing on the war that is kicking off at retail between wanna-be-perceived-as fashion retailers Sears versus K-Mart. Think what you want about television stars being the next big fashion statement, but between the similarities between the Kardashian Kollection at Sears and the Sofia Vergara collection at K-Mart, you can just give me a friggen break. Fast fashion is perhaps the saddest thing that happened to the industry. Sure, affordable style is a good thing. But it has run a muck. So, what, now, you can have a supporting role on an overrated… Read More »
Sarah Palin In Israel…Oy!
The Energizer Bunny of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, is in Israel, scraping around for votes. Votes you say? Jews don’t favor the Tea Party. True, true. But Evangelical Christians love Israel, after all, it is the birthplace of their reason for living. So, Sarah has scheduled this smoke and mirrors, Papal-like visit to Israel to con appease her right wing zealot following. Attention K-Mart Shoppers: Sarah “Cross-Hair” Palin is not ready to concede her bid for the presidency over to Michele “Cross-Eyed” Bachmann. Not without a good, old-fashioned, smack down, cat fight, a la Crystal Carrington and Alexis Colby… Read More »
Best Holiday Windows
Since I can remember, or since I came out of the closet, I love cruising the holiday store windows in New York City. The art of window design, especially around the holidays, has become a spectator sport. I just love strolling down the avenue, Fifth Avenue, to see who has been naughty or nice. As always, Bergdorf Goodman wins Best Windows. So elegant. Actually, they may in fact be the best windows ever, or at least tied with the Swarovski season a few years back. Macy’s is having a banner year, as is Lord & Taylor. But Saks and Bloomingdale’s… Read More »