Posts Tagged «bieber»

The Lohaning Of Justin Bieber
From the Abe & Miriam Webster Dictionary of Abeisms: Lohan (Low–as in life– Han) to reduce (an object or career) to useless fragments, or remains, burning, or dissolving (bridges). injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate (credibility). to put an end to or extinguish (career). to kill or slay (career). to render ineffective or useless; nullify; neutralize; invalidate (your everything). to defeat completely (any and all hopes of a comeback). Lindsay Lohan is no longer a just person, or an actress, lohan is now officially a verb. Replace lohan with the word destroy and you will see what I… Read More »

Justin Bieber is embroiled in yet another media flap following his recent visit to the Anne Frank House Museum. The social media furor (no pun intended) that followed his comments written in the guest book has Twitter a twitter with harsh comments and negative criticisms of the nineteen year old mega-superstar. Justin Bieber wrote, “It was truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” But is that statement really all that insensitive? Let’s break it down. 1. “It was truly inspiring to be able to come here.” The… Read More »
That Spritz Of Bieber
Clearly that well documented photo shoot between Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian for Elle magazine had a lasting impression on the impressionable Justin Bieber. His camp has announced the creation of Eau De Toilette Justin Bieber. Toilette being the operative word. Well, if you think about it, a fragrance for lesbians marketed to tweens is borderline genius. Anyone who is anyone knows about my ongoing issue with celebrity fragrances and why it irks me to no end. The fact remains that the egos of these entertainers has gotten so out of control, that it cheapens their act altogether. Not that… Read More »