Posts Tagged «Bono»

What do Lady Gaga, Snooki, Bono and James Franco have in common? Celebrity Headphones… now I’ve heard everything. … Read More »
Madonna and Bono…Stop, Now.
Apr 19, 2009People We Lerve
Two of my favorite celebrities need to take a massive chill pill and stay out of the limelight for…like…several years. Madonna and Bono, I have had just about enough of each of you. Unless you are singing a song from your repertoire, I don’t need to hear another bleeding-heart word, new song, concert tour updates…nothing. I applaud your efforts with the utmost respect and get how important AIDS drugs and schools in Malawi are. You guys are amazing. But frankly, much has been accomplished in this world by people who were not constantly heat-seeking the glare and scrutiny of the… Read More »