Posts Tagged «Bottega Veneta»

Milan Heralds In The Mu-Mu Gown
Reading all the reviews from the Milan runways, the term “seventies” is bandied about quite a bit. Duh…it was “The Only” time in fashion. A few major trends are spilling off the catwalks in Milan that are clear and present, most notably, color. But not just pops of color, rather, full-on kaleidoscopes of prints and vibrant hues of exhausting jewel tones on acid. Acid…that is very 70’s, too…1973 to be exact, when my third addiction kicked in. But I digress. One recurring look on many runways that I noticed was more 60’s than 70’s really, and that is the revival… Read More »
Milan Round Up
The competition is fierce between New York, Paris, London and Milan for “most important fashion week”. It is an ever evolving process as to which city owns the top spot. Surely Paris has to be the most influential due to it’s rich history and deep fashion roots. That plus the perception that if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Yes, New York thinks that phrase only pertains to a New York state of mind. But I am here to tell you, that ain’t true…especially in reference to fashion. New York has been trying to hold on… Read More »