Posts Tagged «Carrie Bradshaw»

So help me if they cast Tom Hanks as General Petraeus, I will scream. Paula Broadwell could be cast by Diane Lane, since she wishes she were her, and Jill Kelley can be played by Kim Kardashian. Well if the illicit sex fits…… Read More »
Merle Ginsberg (Editor-in-Cheif, and I continue our cross continental SKYPE dialogue and compare notes on the CFDA Awards. MERLE: Shall we start with worst dressed? ABE: Is there a better place to start? How about the Olsen Twins? MERLE: Dumpster chic. ABE: I saw this fantastic video look book that The Row did on, it featured nothing like those schmattas. They are such fashion icons….why I don’t know…but they are and they never get the red carpet down. MERLE: They are too young and too thin, to hide under all this fabric at a black tie. I also… Read More »
Sinking To a New Low
‘ The New York Post, a.k.a. the non-thinking man’s New York Times, has sunk to a new low. Granted, I read Page Six online daily, who doesn’t, but every other aspect of that rag is nothing I refer to for much. Now they have sunk yet to their lowest low. The Post just launched Ask Ashley, yes, that Ashley, as in Ashely Dupre, hooker extraordinaire, to be their resident love columnist (think the low to lower-middle class Carrie Bradshaw) for their fifty cent pooper scooper. Well, can you think of a better usage for The Post than that? Yes, now… Read More »
Dear lovely readers, fellow bloggers, fashionistas, people who get here by accident while googling something and wondering what the hell is this, and the fashion insiders who I adore that regularly visit I Mean..What?!?, As I embark on the developing the next phase of my website, I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart…and yes…I have a really big one…and heart, too, for supporting us. We are adding fashion reportage over the next several international fashion weeks…by popular demand. We will surely have the usual daily dose of IMW (you know that acronym speaks volumes) regarding… Read More »