Posts Tagged «celebrity fashion designers»

Matthew McConaughey What? Anyone who is anyone knows that I Mean What has been a voice against celebrity designers. These Johnny Come Lately non Academy Award winning, or Emmy, or Tony, or any any award winners try their hand, rather, they sell their name to a schmatta peddler and take some dosh. Lindsay Lohan, the slew of Kardashians, heck even Sarah Jessica Parker threw her hat in the ring at Halston, and today the news is that Matthew McConaughey has entered the ring for a bout of utter nonsense. This is more than anyone should bare. And when I say… Read More »

Karl Lagerfeld For Magnum…Yikes Or Eek
httpv:// Last night at dinner, my friends and I got into a heated discussion on the difference between “yikes” and “eek”. These are two of my favorite expressions, with eek being the more recent entry to the list of Abe-isms. They both apply to various situations that express discontent with a situation or person. When using yikes, there must have a hint of humor in the situation at hand. Celebrity fashion designers are yikes. Whereas some celebrities, like Charlie Sheen, are an eek. Comprendevous? Anyhoo, speaking of yikes and eek, I watched one of the Karl Lagerfeld videos for Magnum… Read More »
There was nothing like the New York Knicks in 1973. That championship season was their crowning glory and it has been a challenge for the team to regain that stature. Back then, we had the ever-cool Walt “Clyde” Frazier, the star guard, who had captured the hearts and minds of every New Yorker on and off the court. His sense of style was impeccable: Pimp meets Saville Row. The media loved him, yet he was never overexposed. It was always basketball first. Success off the court was due to his success on the court. Once the Knicks won that championship,… Read More »