Posts Tagged «Diana Ross»

Besides Carrie Fisher, Mariah Carey, Truman Capote, Michael Jackson and Diana Ross, Silver Hill Hospital has a scholarship program that offers people like you and me the opportunity to get the best care for drug rehabilitation and psychological disorders. They also have a great program for teens with psychological problems. … Read More »

GLAAD AWARDS UPDATE: Out of the blue, Cher pops out on stage, and apparently was not expected. But, it wasn’t just Cher who appeared on stage like a vision from the gay Gods, but Cher in a Diana Ross wig. I couldn’t breathe. Nor could anyone else.… Read More »
Angelina Jolie is rumored to play the Wicked Witch of the West?!? Say it ain’t so. Don’t get me wrong, I love Angelina Jolie. I love her enough to tell her not to do this, as it is NOT the role of a lifetime. Gia was that for her. Forget about Angelina Jolie for a minute and let’s just discuss why anyone in Hollywood thinks they have what it takes to take on the challenge of remaking The Wizard of Oz. And please don’t tell me that Tim Burton wants to do it. Though he is brilliant and everything, his… Read More »