Posts Tagged «GAP»

A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »

Talkin’Bout My Jeaneration
Something strange is happening in the denim business that’s affecting my desire to even wear jeans. Denim is so over-exposed that it’s begun to lose its fresh, fashionable appeal. A tight-fitting pair of jeans has — and always will — look very sexy on the right butt. But lately, more people than not are:
A. Not very sexy.
B. Wearing an unflattering cut.
C. Sporting a tragic wash reminiscent of the ’80s, worn by Guidos and Guidettes and making it all wrong… again.… Read More » quoted someone that was walking out of the J. Crew presentation saying, “Best show of New York fashion week.” Naturally they did not attach a person’s name with such a ridiculous remark. When the Gap, Banana Republic and J. Crew position themselves as a viable brand to take a slot during fashion week (New York, Paris whatever) they contribute to the watering down of Fashion Weeks in general. I get it, you want that press and attention. And surely it is a smart move. But sucking the wind out of the room, or the market, might be advantageous in… Read More »

The news that Patrick Robinson was fired last week from the Gap was not that shocking. The Gap has had a few cute moments since Patrick arrived on the scene, but consistency was lacking. You don’t need me to ramble on and on about what did not work during his reign, but I am happy to suggest a few key bits that should be taken under serious consideration if they really want to revitalize the brand. First things first let us identify the key times that we “fall into the Gap” with full intention, because Lord knows, when you are… Read More »

Something wonderful happened in the aftermath of writing that story, What The Gap Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love. The next day—after my article had gone viral…… Read More »

Michelle Obama Is Fierce…But…
Michelle Obama is fierce…but…not everything she wears works. Today’s New York Daily News did a pictorial on “Michelle’s Smashing Summer Style”. Now, I will be the first to say that Michelle is fierce…she has had quite a few sensational looks since entering the Vanity Fair International Best Dressed List. But like every other human, one can not be flawless 365 days out of the year. Unless you are Blaine Trump or Carolina Herrera. That said, since Michelle–prior to White House duties–was a working attorney mom, she definitely proved a great sense of style, considering lawyers are known for their fashion… Read More »