Posts Tagged «Gina Lollobrigida»

The Manzie Report. You know you want it, especially because it has been way too long since the last one. Just because I am no longer diligently blogging and pontificating on all things ridiculous does not mean I am dead. On the contrary, I have been lollygagging in Los Angeles writing a book and need to use all those creative juices for the massive undertaking of writing a novel. Until I can crank out The Great American Novel that is titled Last Five Minutes of Fame, here is a little somethin’ somethin’ to chew on. So, without any further ado,… Read More »

Q. What is a Manzie?
A. A Manzie is not a Pansy or a Dandy. A Pansy doesn’t necessarily dress effeminately in order to be teased by a bunch of blokes. A Dandy dresses like a proper gentleman adding a special touch of avant-garde styling. A Manzie is a guy desperately trying to be “on trend”. He can be a straight man trying too hard to be stylish or a straight-acting-gay guy who acts extra butch to compensate for his quirky fashion choices. Bottom line: A Manzie will wear any of the outfits featured here. … Read More »