Posts Tagged «Hamptons»

A GAP In How To Manifest Destiny
Hey, we all make mistakes, but one might suggest Wikipedia-ing everything slogan on Earth prior to going to print.… Read More »

Get out your mothballs ladies (and those few men) for Spring has sprung and the Little Black Dress is nowhere to be found. Lord knows there are plenty of printed dresses and surely it is safe to say that white is the new black. (Both in fashion AND politics, sadly.) But if you are one who believes in the power of the L.B.D., then you need to move off Fashion-Main Street for a bit and hide. Be sure to keep your tasteful, always appropriate, L.B.D. in a plastic zippered, hanging bag with mothballs until it is safe to come back… Read More »

The news that Patrick Robinson was fired last week from the Gap was not that shocking. The Gap has had a few cute moments since Patrick arrived on the scene, but consistency was lacking. You don’t need me to ramble on and on about what did not work during his reign, but I am happy to suggest a few key bits that should be taken under serious consideration if they really want to revitalize the brand. First things first let us identify the key times that we “fall into the Gap” with full intention, because Lord knows, when you are… Read More »
Labor Of Love
Allow me to take this day of rest…the Sabbath of the Summer….Labor Day…to share with you some well wishes and reflection of the summer we just had. First let’s review the origins of Labor Day, which somehow got lost in the sauce of barbecues, picnics and final summer blow-out parties. The first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882 in New York City, was started by a carpenters union to honor those who bust their ass. In 1894, President Grover Cleveland rushed legislation through Congress to make Labor Day a national holiday in an attempt to boost his popularity as it… Read More »
Manzies in Bike Lanes
Thom Browne took to the bike lanes with a breezy, cool collection for spring. As a long time bike rider, his homage to cyclists everywhere was refreshing and welcome. Usually I find more things wrong with Thom’s runway collections than right, but I am happy to report that this time around there were more wearable looks than not. Naturally, what’s a Manzie Report without a few good manzies, and with Browne’s theatrical penchant for showing more looks than necessary, there has to be a few bombs in the line-up and here they are. Calvin Klein had a few doozies, too.… Read More »
The Axe Lounge, The Guys and Dolls Lounge, T-Mobile Sidekick Lounge at Mercedes-Benz Polo Challenge, Pussycat Dolls Lounge, Gifting Lounge…it’s all become so horeene (Abeism for horrendous, can also be spelled, in this case, whoreene). There was a time that a lounge meant to relax, sit a while, chill. Now it has taken on a whole new, more hysterical meaning. The demise of the real meaning of lounge culminated this summer, with the creation of the uber brech fest “The Axe Body Spray Lounge” (correct) in the Hamptons. This gross baboon parlor is where celebrities hob nob with nobodies in… Read More »
Each summer, flocks of people migrate east to The Hamptons. Like birds, they set up nests, arrange their beach wardrobes and busy themselves with all sorts of relaxing activities. Here is a typical day in the life of a Hamptonite: sit in traffic walk around ad nauseam have cocktails or dinner at whatever has been suggested by the media shop for things that otherwise would not be purchased share bedrooms with total strangers…as a living situation, not a sexual encounter congregate with people they otherwise despise desperately try to meet a mate pretend to be nice to potential mates stand… Read More »