Posts Tagged «hitler»

Will Donald Trump Offer Sarah Palin her last job ever as Vice President?… Read More »

You are looking into the face of evil. On the right is the known murderer and sadist Charles Manson. Fortunately he is safely tucked away in a maximum security prison after the string of murders including actress, Sharon Tate. The other guy is James Manson, no relation except for their evil-ness. James Mason went on record to say that Barack Obama and his two daughters should be assassinated. This Tea Bagging Tea Party douche bag actually ran for office and posted on Facebook this lovely rant: “Assassinate the f—– n—– and his monkey children.” So, I ask you, are we… Read More »
Who Took The Bow At Dior?!?
In what is clearly the most insurmountable public relations snafu on Earth, well, fashion Earth anyway, Christian Dior was challenged to stay the course and host their fashion show today in Paris in spite of the debacle that is John Galliano. The above picture features the staff from Dior ateliers, who took the final bow at the show. This is the most fantastic, emotional, democratic, loving way to handle such an awkward moment and to thank those who attended the show. Yesterday The Huffington Post asked its zillions of readers whether or not the Dior and John Galliano shows should… Read More »
What’s With John Galliano’s Hat?
The news about John Galliano’s anti-Semitic rant and his professed love for Hitler is one of the worst bits of news to come along since the War on Terror and the rising obesity rate. John Galliano’s shows for Christian Dior have always topped my best collections list. His flair for the dramatic and artistry put him leagues above the rest of fashion’s elite. Clearly, John Galliano is at the height of his addictions and it is hard to hold people accountable for their actions. But, as a concentration camp survivor’s son, it is hard to immediately forgive this brilliant, raving… Read More »
The Tea Party’s Over
I have heard just about enough from the Tea Party, the Tea Baggers, the morons, whatever you want to call them. What country do we live in and worse, what year is this? When I think back to when the United States was truly, beautifully motivated for change, back in the late 1960’s, when our message was Women’s Rights, Black Power, Student’s Rights, Stop The War, Peace Now, Flower Power, Peace, Love and Woodstock, it makes me sad at the rhetoric we hear now from crowds. Many of these Tea Baggers can barely string together a coherent sentence and worse,… Read More »
I have not talked about politics for quite a while. And there have been moments of absolute horror while reading the Huffington Post about the goings on in Washington, DC. Much of what was happening within our democracy over the past year had me dumbfounded. I began to loose faith…I closed my eyes…I turned the other cheek. When I became horrified…correction, mortified at some of the libelous and slanderous things that the nay-sayers…correction, Tea Partyers were saying, did I voice my concern? No. I am guilty as charged for frolicking through the fabulostiy of fashion and calibrating the crunk of… Read More »