Posts Tagged «Japan»

While we are on the subject of angry jerks, why not give a little shout out to Michael Lohan, father of Lindsay, who at the end of the day, doesn’t stand a chance to get off without jail time, since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. However her sentencing goes down, I really feel for Lindsay Lohan. I have worked with her and think she is really great. But with a father like Michael, who needs enemies. He should also get his stupd ass on a plan to either Haiti or Japan and make himself useful. He could… Read More »

There are things that happen in life that I call God shots. This is when Mother Nature proves her strength and man is brought to his knees. It gives us pause to remember how fleeting life is and to value every moment and appreciate our time on Earth. This morning reading The Huffington Post, I was overwhelmed with sadness for the people of Japan affected by the earthquake. I lived through the Northridge Earthquake in Los Angeles back in 1994, and was woken up by the monstrous sound of moving Earth coupled with the crashing of shattering glass. Sure, I… Read More »